About the Authors

Joseph M. Landsberg
Professor of Mathematics
Texas A\&M University
College Station, TX, USA
Professor of Mathematics
Texas A\&M University
College Station, TX, USA
Joseph M. Landsberg
works on questions at the interface of algebraic geometry, differential geometry and representation theory. His current research is focused on geometric problems originating in complexity theory. Landsberg obtained his Ph.D. in 1990 from
Duke University under the direction of Robert Bryant
on minimal submanifolds
and a generalization of calibrations. He has directed six Ph.D. theses, is the author of
Geometry and Applications, is a co-author of
Cartan for Beginners, and has published over fifty research articles.
Fall 2014 he co-organized
Algorithms and Complexity in Algebraic Geometry
at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, UC Berkeley, where he was also the Chancellor's Professor and gave a course on geometry
and complexity theory whose
class notes
will hopefully soon be a book.

Giorgio Ottaviani
Professore Ordinario di Geometria
Università di Firenze
Firenze, Italy
Professore Ordinario di Geometria
Università di Firenze
Firenze, Italy
Giorgio Ottaviani is a Professor of Geometry at the
University of Florence, Italy. He received his Ph.D. in mathematics
in 1987 at the University of Florence, under the guidance of
Vincenzo Ancona, discussing the thesis “Vector bundles on
Grassmannians and Quadrics.” His M.Sc. advisor was Francesco
Gherardelli. He moved to the University of Rome Tor Vergata as an
assistant researcher and then to the University of L'Aquila as a
professor. Ottaviani was awarded the Foundation Severi Prize in
1989. His first works discussed instanton vector bundles,
homogeneous vector bundles, small codimension projective
subvarieties, and enjoying the help of computational tools. In the
past eight years, Ottaviani has become interested in the field of
tensors and their applications, focusing on tensor