About the Authors

Reut Levi
Ph.D. candidate
School of Computer Science
Tel-Aviv University
Ph.D. candidate
School of Computer Science
Tel-Aviv University
Reut Levi
received her M.Sc. from Tel-Aviv University and now is a Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of Prof. Dana Ron and Prof. Ronitt Rubinfeld.
Her research focuses on testing properties of distributions.

Dana Ron
School of Computer Science
Tel-Aviv University
School of Computer Science
Tel-Aviv University
Dana Ron received her Ph.D. from the
Hebrew University, Jerusalem
in 1995. Between 1995 and 1997 she was an NSF Postdoc at
MIT. During
the academic year 1997-98 she was a science scholar at the
Ingraham Bunting Institute (Radcliffe College)
and at MIT. Since 1998 she has been a faculty member at the
Faculty of Engineering,
Tel Aviv University.
During the academic year 2003-04 she was a fellow at the
Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study,
Harvard University.
Her research focuses on sublinear approximation algorithms and in
particular on property testing.

Ronitt Rubinfeld
School of Computer Science
Tel-Aviv University and CSAIL, MIT
School of Computer Science
Tel-Aviv University and CSAIL, MIT
Ronitt Rubinfeld received her undergraduate degree at the University of
Michigan and PhD at the University of California, Berkeley under the direction of Manuel Blum. She held postdoctoral positions
at DIMACS and the Hebrew University at Jerusalem. After several years
as a faculty member at Cornell University and NEC Research Institute, she currently is on the faculties
of MIT and Tel Aviv University. She has been a recipient of the ONR Young Investigator award, NSF Career
Award, Sloan Fellowship, Cornell Association for Computer Science Undergraduates Faculty of the Year
award and a Cornell College of Engineering Teaching award. She was an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2006.
Her research focuses on sub-linear time algorithms for big datasets.