About the Authors

Nikhil Bansal
Dept. of Math. and Computer Science
Eindhoven University of Technology
The Netherlands
Dept. of Math. and Computer Science
Eindhoven University of Technology
The Netherlands
Nikhil Bansal graduated from
in 2003; his advisor was
Avrim Blum.
His research has focused on approximation and online algorithms for scheduling
and other optimization problems.
He worked at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center from 2003-2011, where
he also managed the Algorithms Group for some time.
He recently moved to the Netherlands, and is still getting used to
the idea that he can bike
to anywhere without being run down by cars and trucks.

Ho-Leung Chan
Department of Computer Science
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Department of Computer Science
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Ho-Leung Chan obtained his Ph.D. from
The University of Hong Kong
in 2007; his advisor was
Tak-Wah Lam.
His research interest is mainly in energy-efficient scheduling
and other scheduling problems.

Dmitriy Katz
Research Staff Member
IBM T.J. Watson, Yorktown, New York
Research Staff Member
IBM T.J. Watson, Yorktown, New York
Dmitriy Katz graduated from MIT in 2008. His advisors were
were Dimitris Bertsimas
and David Gamarnik.
His research interests lie in
several areas of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, including
questions of decidability, combinatorial counting,
queueing theory, and optimization.

Kirk Pruhs
Computer Science Dept.
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Computer Science Dept.
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Kirk Pruhs received his Ph.D. in 1989 from the
University of Wisconsin - Madison.
He is currently a professor of computer science
at the University of Pittsburgh.
His current research interests are in algorithmic problems related
to resource management, scheduling, and sustainable computing.
Within the algorithmic scheduling community,
he is widely recognized as the leading expert on Mafia.